Birding itinerary


Birdwatching Tour 10 days / 9 nights

Total Land cost: USD $1,995 per person

  • The ACRCTT conservation reserve has the greatest biodiversity of any site yet documented in the lowland Amazon rainforest. This includes over 600 different species of birds (see our bird list here). We have counted as many as 262 different species in a single day led by one of our outstanding private guides. An itinerary specializing in birding must be booked well in advance.
  • (Recommended 10 days / 9 nights but shorter or longer trips available)
  • Includes all in Amazon (all transfers, lodging, meals, private guide, excursions customized to your liking, gear such as jungle boots, wifi, entrance fees, conservation fees, port taxes, etc.).
  • Optional expenses only: cola or beer drinks, souvenirs, tips, laundry.

[/vc_column_text][vckit_button title=”Printable Itinerary” custom_class=”vckit_custom_class_859ff4ab0586a6″ link=”||target:%20_blank|”][vc_separator color=”white”][vc_column_text]Day 1 (trip starts after arrival of people on LA 2240, scheduled to arrive just past noon)

  • Transfer in from airport or hotel
  • If airport: Look for our booth in the baggage area of Iquitos Airport, by the restrooms, with our logo (head of a hoatzin bird in a diamond shape).
  • If hotel: please let us know the address for where to pick you up.
  • Afternoon birding in The Allpahuayo Mishana National reserve, a unique sagebrush varillal forest on white sand that is home to several species of birds known only from this forest, including the Ancient Antwren, Mishana Tyrannulet, Allpahuayo Antbird, Northern Chestnut=tailed Antbird, Pompadour Cotinga, and Saffron-crested Tyrant Manakin. 
  • Evening room in Iquitos

Lunch, Dinner


Day 2

From Iquitos / The Allpahuayo Mishana Reserve 

  • Morning continue birding in the Allpahuayo Mishana reserve 
  • Afternoon speedboat to the Tahuayo Lodge

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Day 3

At the Tahuayo Lodge

Full day birding in the islands near the mouth of the Tahuayo, a great place for sandpipers, herons, terns, skimmers, stilts, plovers and others. Evening looking for nocturnally active species along the river

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Day 4

At the Tahuayo Lodge

Morning in varzea ecosystem, afternoon in secondary growth habitats around the villages

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Day 5

Morning in tahuampa ecosystem (flooded forest; afternoon birding in cocha (oxbow lake).

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Day 6

Full day birding in terra firme forest

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Day 7

At Amazon Research Center lodge, ARC

Early morning birding in Palmichal stream, then continue birding up the Tahuayo River to the remote research center lodge

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Day 8

Morning birding in high and low restinga forest, and palm swamp forest

Afternoon birding in Dolphin Lake

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Day 9

Full day birding Lake Yarina

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Day 10

  • Morning return to the main lodge
  • Afternoon boat to Iquitos
  • Transfer to airport or hotel

Breakfast, Lunch


A note on our two lodges

The Tahuayo Lodge (main lodge)

  • Cabins have private bathrooms
  • A greater variety of activities

The Research Center Peru Lodge (ARC)

  • Cabins have shared bathrooms
  • Better hiking, over 50 miles of trails through a variety of ecosystems
  • More wildlife
  • The lodge is more remote, in more pristine forest

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Most common which include: Peacock bass (butterfly), aruauna, catfish (many varieties, some which grow over 200lbs), piranha, pacu, oscar, and vampire fish (payara).


Peacock bass (more information)

The area where you’ll be fishing is home of the Butterfly Peacock Bass.  This species of peacock Bass averages between 5 and 10 pounds.  In other areas of the Amazon, and parts of Panama and Venezuela, there is a species of Peacock bass that grows to 20+ pounds.  But, the smaller Butterfly Peacock Bass is a much more ferocious fighter, and is the preferred species for professional bass fisherman.  It is also delicious eating.  Make no mistake, a 10 pound bass is a big fish, and these things fight like a train.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]