Total Land cost for 8 days / 7 nights: USD $1,395
(Shorter or longer trips are also available please see Amazonia’s other standard trips for pricing and scheduling)
Individuals or small groups interested in nature photography can have a private guide who will customize excursions to a photographer’s pace. Our guides have experience working with photographers and are knowledgeable about the pace and requirements of serious photographers. Suggested equipment to bring would include a good telephoto lens as much of a rainforest’s life is just under the canopy, as well as a good macro lens to photograph small, beautiful beetles, frogs, toads and orchids. The itinerary and cost is the same as any of our customized itineraries.[/vc_column_text][vckit_button title=”Printable Itinerary” custom_class=”vckit_custom_class_959ff417d74160″ link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fperuandes.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F11%2FPhotography-Itinerary.pdf||target:%20_blank|”][vc_separator color=”white”][vc_column_text]Day 1 (trip starts after arrival of people on LA 2240, scheduled to arrive just past noon)
- Transfer in from airport or hotel
- If airport: Look for our booth in the baggage area of Iquitos Airport, by the restrooms, with our logo (head of a hoatzin bird in a diamond shape).
- If hotel: please let us know the address for where to pick you up.
- Speedboat transfer (note–is 4 hours) up the Amazon, then the Tahuayo tributary to our lodge.
- Evening excursion
L, D
Days 2-4
At the Tahuayo Lodge
Your choice of guided excursions in and around the Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo Reserve. Every day your guide will discuss a selection of activities that you can choose to do. There is no extra cost for private guide or customizing your itinerary to your needs and interests.
The main lodge has the greater variety of excursions of our two lodges. The following is but a sample list of activities to choose from:
- The Canopy Experience
- Hike into varzea forest behind lodge; highly probable to see pygmy marmosets, owl monkeys, yellow-crowned brush tailed rats, wire-tailed manakins. Also possible to see black tamarins, saddle-backed tamarins, trogons.
- Hike to Lake Tapaje, explore by canoe.
- Canoe into tahuampa forest (flooded forest), canoe past giant ficus trees, see hoatzin birds, horned screamers, look for caiman on observation platform.
- Motorboat to terra firme forest, hike into frog valley. See beautiful little poison dart frogs, which were studied by scientists from Uppsala University (Sweden).
- See bat cavity (huge tree whose center has rotted out); braver people can crawl through bat cavity.
- Motorboat to Lake Charo to view pink dolphins, swimming in lake. En route look for squirrel monkeys, sloths, raptors.
- Fish for piranha.
- Visit native village of El Chino. Visit artisania cooperative. Visit with shaman (subject to his availability). Visit farm. Visit school.
Days 5-7
At Amazon Research Center lodge, ARC
- The Research Center is more remote. On the boat ride to the Research Center we stop to see bats, sloths, monkeys, raptors, toucans.
- We have over 100 km of hiking trails from the research center, most of the trails are laid out in a grid to facilitate the scientific collection of population data. The trails go through several ecosystems, including bajial, high and low restinga, palm swamp and terra firme. We can see many different species of monkeys, including brown and white capuchins, saki monkeys, titi monkeys, squirrel monkeys, pygmy marmosets, moustached tamarins, saddle-backed tamarins, and sometimes uakaris, as well as giant tayra weasels and tamandua anteaters. Data collected from camera traps also reveal a high density of jaguar live here but these are rarely seen.
- You can participate in our saki monkey project (described on our website)
- Boating the various lakes and rivers from the research center we often see caiman as well as the highly endangered giant river otters.
- Hiking to Lake Yarina (full day) we can see hoatzins on their nests, blue and yellow macaws and caiman.
Day 8
- Morning return to the main lodge
- Afternoon boat to Iquitos
- Transfer to airport or hotel
A note on our two lodges
The Tahuayo Lodge (main lodge)
- Cabins have private bathrooms
- Greater variety of activities
The Research Center Lodge (ARC)
- Cabins have shared bathrooms
- Better hiking, over 50 miles of trails through a variety of ecosystems
- More wildlife
- Lodge is more remote, in more pristine forest
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Most common which include: Peacock bass (butterfly), aruauna, catfish (many varieties, some which grow over 200lbs), piranha, pacu, oscar, and vampire fish (payara).
Peacock bass (more information)
The area where you’ll be fishing is home of the Butterfly Peacock Bass. This species of peacock Bass averages between 5 and 10 pounds. In other areas of the Amazon, and parts of Panama and Venezuela, there is a species of Peacock bass that grows to 20+ pounds. But, the smaller Butterfly Peacock Bass is a much more ferocious fighter, and is the preferred species for professional bass fisherman. It is also delicious eating. Make no mistake, a 10 pound bass is a big fish, and these things fight like a train.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]