Jungle Survival Training Itinerary


Total Land cost for 8 days / 7 nights: USD $1,895

 (Shorter or longer trips are also available)[/vc_column_text][vckit_button title=”Printable Itinerary” custom_class=”vckit_custom_class_1059f8e17b3b650″ link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fperuandes.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F10%2F2017-10-24-Jungle-Survival-Training-Itinerary.pdf||target:%20_blank|”][vc_separator color=”white”][vc_column_text]Day 1 (trip starts after the arrival of people on LATAM 2240, scheduled to arrive just past noon)

transfer in from airport or hotel

If airport: Look for our booth in the baggage area of Iquitos Airport, by the restrooms, with our logo (head of a hoatzin bird in a diamond shape).

Speedboat transfer (note–is 4 hours) up the Amazon, then the Tahuayo tributary to our lodge.

Evening excursion

Lunch and Dinner Included


Days 2-3

From the main lodge

Acclimation to the Amazon rainforest and getting to know your guides; your guides getting to know you. Exploration of varzea forest near the main lodge, learning some survival skills such as the utilitarian use of palm fronds, natural sources of insect repellant, natural medicines and some sources of food and fresh water.

Breakfast lunch and dinner provided


Day 4

Boat to the trailhead in terra firme forest.

Hiking into the interior of the wilderness to establish campsite, building a shelter with plants found in the forest.

NOTE: During jungle survival training we try to choose a location where we will not disturb wildlife. Additionally, the movements and noise we create during the training will keep wildlife at some distance. So, while this is a great adventure in the Amazon wilderness, it is not the best wildlife viewing option.


Day 5-6

Training in the identification of plants and other material found in the forest to make a fire, capture food and find water.


Day 7

Morning exploration, then breaking down the campsite, return in the afternoon by boat to the main lodge


Day 8

Morning excursion

Afternoon boat to Iquitos

Transfer to airport or hotel

Breakfast and lunch included[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_id=”gear”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Some things you can learn

  1. Construction of lean-to:

    How to select site, soil and drainage aspects.  What woods to use to set up framework; how to use irapay palm (Lepidocaryum tenue) fronds to rainproof

  2. Construction of fire :

    Recognition of wood that will have hard, dry interior even when waterlogged by rainforest humidity; use of copal resin as fire starter

  3. Learn sources of pure water:

    Immature yarina (Phytelephas macrocarpa) fruits; puca huasca vine (Doliocarpus dentatus) and cano huasca vine (Uncaria spp.)

  4. Sources of food:

    Palm fruits; palm hearts from Euterpe and Iriartea genera; edible beetle grubs; legumes, especially from Inga genus; using barbasco (Lonchocarpus species) sap to stun fish; canabrava (Gynerium sagittatum) to build fish trap; tamshi vine (Carludovica devergens) to make animal snare

  5. Raft construction:

    Recognition of balsa wood, tied together with tamshi vine, oar from remo caspii (Styrax acuminatum)

  6. Mosquito repellent:

    Made from Nasutitermes termites

  7. Weapons:

    Fishing spear from cumaceba (Cesalpina echinata); bow from cashapona (Iriartea exorrhiza), string from chambira (Astrocaryum chambira), arrowshafts from bamboo and arrowheads from cumaceba.


Survival Medicines

Venomous snakebite–piripiri leaves (Cyperus articulatus)

Venomous insect–curarina bark (Potalia amara)

Fever–sanango root (Sanango durum)

Disinfectant–pichirina sap (Vismia angusta)

Field dressing–fiber inside bark of machimango (Ceiba species)

Antiparasitical–oje sap (Ficus antihelmintica)

Dysentery or gastrointestinal distress–hierba luisa leaves (Cymbopogon citratus)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row disable_element=”yes”][vc_column][vckit_heading_gradient text=”More Information” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]


Most common which include: Peacock bass (butterfly), aruauna, catfish (many varieties, some which grow over 200lbs), piranha, pacu, oscar, and vampire fish (payara).


Peacock bass (more information)

The area where you’ll be fishing is home of the Butterfly Peacock Bass.  This species of peacock Bass averages between 5 and 10 pounds.  In other areas of the Amazon, and parts of Panama and Venezuela, there is a species of Peacock bass that grows to 20+ pounds.  But, the smaller Butterfly Peacock Bass is a much more ferocious fighter, and is the preferred species for professional bass fisherman.  It is also delicious eating.  Make no mistake, a 10 pound bass is a big fish, and these things fight like a train.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]